
Our Team and Partners

Our team and partners help us get closer to achieving our mission to bridge the parent-school gap.

Our Team


Araceli Simeón, Executive Director

Araceli Simeón is Executive Director at the Parent Organization Network (PON). The PON is composed of 14 members and together they lead projects to remove barriers that hinder family engagement or that strengthen the practice of family or community engagement in schools. Prior to PON, Araceli worked for a decade at MALDEF directing its National Parent School Partnership (PSP) program. Also, for five years she consulted for the Center for the Study of Social Policy, a contractor of First 5 LA to support its Best Start Program, a placed-based initiative in Los Angeles County to build supportive communities where children and families can thrive. She graduated from the California State Polytechnic University, at Pomona, with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and received her master’s degree in public policy from the University of Southern California.

Daisy J. Amezcua, Community Organizer

Daisy J. Amezcua leads our outreach, capacity building, and organizing for the EL Campaign. She is the second oldest of four children and the first in her family to graduate from college. Being raised by two immigrant parents who migrated from Mexico and having gone through Lynwood’s public educational system as an English learner has fueled her passion for social justice and the human right to quality education. In 2009, she received a bachelor’s degree in history and Chicano studies and a minor in sociology at California State University, Long Beach.  Daisy spent the past 15 years working with communities of color developing and supporting programs that focus on leadership development and self-sustainability to transform their communities to what they envision them to be.      

María E. Rosales, Program Director

Ms. Rosales leads the facilitation and implementation of PON’s new capacity building program for parents of English learners. Prior to PON she founded the PROedu team, which is focused on strengthening parenting abilities, leadership capacity and advocacy skills of parents to participate consciously in their children’s development and education. She has more than two decades of experience as a parent trainer and has earned a reputation as an expert and leader in the fields of curriculum development, family engagement, creating welcoming learning environments and meaningful partnerships with a wide range of families to improve children’s academics, and social and emotional progress.  Ms. Rosales received her degree in Educational Psychology from the Universidad Rafael Landivar in Guatemala.

Bryan C. Becker, Policy Director

Bryan Becker directs PON’s public policy and advocacy efforts and is leading our new project focused on monitoring the expansion and implementation of transitional kindergarten in school districts.  Prior to joining PON, Bryan specialized in local government relations and legislative tracking for non-profits, advocacy groups, and trade associations. As a Teen Court mentor, youth baseball coach and father of three boys, Bryan understands the vital role parental engagement and agency have on the success of the student, schools, and community.  

Bryan graduated from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. with a B.A. in Political Science and received his J.D. from the Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, where he served as an Editor of the Catholic University Law Review.


Our Advisory Board

In 2019, PON formed a volunteer advisory board to review current operations and give advice and support to PON.  Advisory board members and members at-large will be participating in a retreat in 2020 to update PON’s three-year strategic plan. All five Advisory Board members have been PON members for 10 years or more and they include:

PON is a fiscally-sponsored project of Community Partners. The Advisory Board oversees the activities of PON and the Community Partners Board of Directors provides ultimate direction.


PON Members in Los Angeles County


PON Organizations

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The African American Parent/Community Coalition for Educational Equity

The African American Parent/Community Coalition for Educational Equity’s (AAP/CCEE) mission is to educate and empower parents of underserved children by building their capacity to advocate, access and ensure an equitable education for their children and collectively facilitate sustainable education reform for all children to close the opportunity and achievement gap. 

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Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles

Our mission is to advocate for civil rights, provide legal services and education, and build coalitions to positively influence and impact Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders and to create a more equitable and harmonious society.

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Our mission is to solidify and advance parent leadership to ensure that all children are rightfully educated regardless of where they live. We seek to effect policy change and mobilize political will through new parent participation models that preserve and expand the right to education for all South LA children and youth.

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Latinos In Action - California

Latinos In Action (LIA) was founded in 2009 and its mission is to develop and strengthen leaders to create equity in low-income Latino communities

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CARECEN empowers Central Americans and all  immigrants by defending human and civil rights, working for social and  economic justice and promoting cultural diversity. 

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El Concilio de Padres de Highland Park

To awaken the Learning Spirit of every student in the Highland Park area and to strengthen parent and student socio-emotional bond. 

Gente Organizada

Our mission is to bring together generations to access, build, and wield their collective power to achieve educational, economic, and social justice in our communities.

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Los Angeles Education Partnership

Our mission is to work as a collaborative partner in high-poverty communities to foster great schools that support the personal and academic success of children and youth from birth through high school. 

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Lynwood Save Our Students

Lynwood Save Our Students (LSOS) is a grassroots parent and community organization established in 1996 dedicated to improving the academic performance and educational achievement of ALL Lynwood students

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Founded in 1968, MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) is the nation’s leading Latino legal civil rights organization. Our commitment is to protect and defend the rights of all Latinos living in the United States and the constitutional rights of all Americans.

National Association of African American Parents & Youth

NAAAPY’s mission is to empower Black Parents, families and guardians to become educated, trained advocates for their children and students. We empower our families not only by offering them space to express their perspectives, insight and knowledge, but by being culturally responsive to their needs as they support their children.


Parent Pioneros

Work together with schools to develop parents’ leadership and advocacy capacity for the purpose of attaining high levels of academic achievement for students and promoting respect for diversity.


   Our mission is to inform parents and strengthen their skills as conscious and committed leaders to improving the outcomes of their families, schools, and communities.  

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Watts/Century Latino Organization

Founded in 1990, the Watts/Century Latino Organization (WCLO) is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to supporting the development of healthy neighborhoods and self-sufficient families. 

Our Partners & Affiliations


California Practitioners Advisory Group (CPAG)

In 2016, the PON Project Director was appointed by the State Board (SBE) of Education to serve on CPAG to provide input on ongoing efforts to establish a single coherent local, state, and federal accountability system. The advisory committee also serves as the state’s committee of practitioners under federal Title I requirements. Her appointment expired in December 2020. For more information visit: https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/cc/cp/

Ed Trust West’s Community Partners

PON collaborates with Ed Trust West and their partners across California to effectively advocate for stronger policies and practices that expand K-12 and higher education opportunities to students of color and low-income students with equity at the center. For more information visit:  https://west.edtrust.org/who-we-are/partners/


The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Equity Coalition 

This coalition is composed of civil rights, advocacy, community, parent, and student organizations that are committed to strengthening California’s current K-12 school funding and accountability system to realize its promise of creating a more equitable school system.

California Family Engagement Network

PON and the Opportunity Institute co-facilitate a virtual, informal, and emerging network where participants share information on best practices; influence state-level guidance; and monitor and assist with implementation of family engagement policies. They promote family engagement as an essential pillar to improve student outcomes.


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